The tan man is Draco - an old man, and Rocky (Rockstar), the young Jack Russell. Two of the menagerie at home.
The old man is rickety. The youngster is the instigator, commentator and likes to think he is in charge. The old man wants to be cuddled but has given up on competing for attention with the younger dogs. He takes it from us when we offer it, and appreciates every second we give him. Sounds like wisdom of the aged.
Being with the young and the old. Knowing that life is short. Excited about young puppy magic. Worrying about old pains and aches and compassionately encouraging the best life. Ensuring that young exuberance does not turn into chaos.
This is life.
This is life.
Enter human beings with rules on how to get it right and what is definitely wrong. We loose ourselves in the process and project our insecurities in our judgements and justifications.
If we could just remember the moments when we are just being with the dogs. Being compassionate and grateful. Then we will remember that we do have the ability - inbuilt human ability - to be empathetic. That our empathy turns to compassion in an instant. That we can see and be intuitive and know what is required in any moment. If we allow ourselves to feel.
look into those dark brown eyes. The eyes of wisdom. We are held - in the most spiritual manner possible - to do our utmost to feel. Feeling is the gateway. We do know how. When we are not feeling we are probably judging or justifying. Then we lose our way. We know how. If we allow ourselves to connect.
Funny that that connection is why most of us choose to be around animals in the first place. So - there is no right or wrong - or just a waste of time trying to find that - there is just a knowing connection. and that connection - IS FELT!!!
Thank God for dogs.
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Thank you for connecting💕