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Showing posts from April, 2012

charlie forgives

I returned from a week away last weekend. i have been away for almost 6 weeks this year. I was given the silent treatment an cold shoulder(if I was lucky) all week by Charlie and the rest of the troupe. One by one I won them over.  Eventually I was off for a full day yesterday and spent most of it curled up on my bed. snoozing and reading.  Charlie finally joined in the party, making it a group of 7 - 3 dogs, 3 cats and me, sharing the duvet.  Then I finally felt as though I was home again:

proud Waddler

Add caa bunch of kids and locals who came out to support us as we passed through their town. Stanfordption I am blessed to be a part of a group of 8 fabulous women who are Waddling for a week to raise awareness for the Penguin Promises Campaign.  This campaign focuses on what is right with the world.  It focuses on what we can do to make a postive impact on our enviroment and in turn for the African penguin.  So join the thousands we have reached this week during our 130km waddle along the Cape coastline.  Look at what you can do.  like 'PENGUIN PROMISES'on face book.  or follow @penguinpromises on twitter.

Two beautiful gentlemen

They work for Eskom and were promoting a conservation cause in a local shopping market. I told them about , took and blogged their picture and they were enthralled. I am so grateful for humans such as this. People whose eyes light up when they hear about causes that lend gratitude and hope and goodness that is inherent in the human race. Good that is all too often buried beneath self-doubt-tainted spectacles (the opposite of rose-tinted - which may just be the glasses which reveal the truth about potential). Hats off to those who admit to caring!

Penguin promises waddling for a week.

Next week I am going to be waddling 130kms with some fellow conservationists to inspire awreness about the endangered African Penguin. So excited. If you are in the area come WADDLE with us on the final day Saturday 21st April 2012 – 15km stroll   Where: Muizenberg (Surfer's Corner 9am) to Simonstown (Boulder's ) Wear: black and white in support of African penguins. See: for more info on African penguins and Waddle 2012 and of course, this exciting cause IT IS NOT A FUNDRAISER!!!!! Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

Hello u. Where u been?

Nothing like a Gandalph welcome. Runs up the driveway when I get home. Pokes head through car window and a tickle nose to nose is next. Love this life. What blessings.