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What is really going on?


Click treat.  Click treat.  Click treat.  The theory tells us that this is secondary and then primary reinforcement.  Is this the whole story? There is always more going on, and if we pay attention - when we hit a snag - what we know will assist us to troubleshoot - because we will be aware of what we are up to and what our animal souls may be experiencing.

In every interaction we have with the world, we are experiencing many things, both intrinsically and extrinsically.  Some days we are motivated to go for that run just for the joy of movement...  Intrinsic.  Other days it is so we can get away from the office or a troublesome argument... Extrinsic.  Then there are the days where we run so that we can get fit...  Extrinsic.  We always love the feeling after the run - when the endorphins sing through our system, or in my favourite case - when I jump into the ocean to cool down - Extrinsic(the feel of the ocean as a reward for the run) and Intrinsic(the sing of the endorphins in the moment that we feel them).

So we see from the above, that the same behaviour has many different possible motivators.  I believe it is the same for animals.  When working with dolphins using variable schedules and both primary and secondary reinforcers - so perhaps a game that they enjoy - perhaps a spray with a hose, or a stroke and cuddle, or that treat- everything changes - their level of engagement is more astute.

When I started insisting that my dogs look into my eyes when we work together in training sessions rather than at the hand that holds the possible treat it changed the whole training game.  They seem to be thinking and relating with me, rather than trying to get at the food. It became more fun for me, and I am sure that my buoyant mood rubbed off on them, making it more fun for them too.

Imagine one single repetition while training a behaviour.  In that repetition there are a multitude of potential reinforcers at play. We can never know what is at play, however it is important that we are aware that the treat may not be the only motivating force.

The cue - our body posture, the environment, the social setting, time of day etc etc - all affect that cue.  The cue may be seen as game time - stimulating and fun - or if we have not put down our fundamentals, it may mean - damn - anxiety time is on, and I have to manipulate this scenario to get my food.  So, the cue in itself can herald good times or frustration - depending on the history.

Our attitude is part and parcel to the cue.  Are we surrounded by positive energy, and does this help us focus on the joy of being in relationship with the animals.  The animals take us personally.  We need to conduct ourselves with this in mind.

So, we ask for the repetition.  What are the possible reinforcers...
- Positive reinforcement - our happy attitude adds something great.  The treat that we use.  The sing song excitement that we vocalise.  Our body posture animation.
- Secondary reinforcement - which is also positive - the bridge - is it our chosen bridge - the whistle, click or word that we use - or is it our hand moving, or our posture changing.
- Negative reinforcement - when the animal no longer has to be participating in the behaviour we are asking for - there is a chance that the pressure is off, and this is negatively reinforcing.  Take the dog that is twirling - when we say good, they no longer have to work.  This is subtle, and it can be much more than that.  If a dog is lying prone on the ground, with its belly up, it is in a trusting submitting posture - when we bridge, we are giving it power back.

On that note, if we are finding it difficult to train a repetition, we need to look at all of the above in terms of - what is punishing the behaviour.  This may not be only in the above.  IT may be history.

Sounds complicated, but it is exciting - when we start to really look, we will see all sorts of things going on that can assist us to succeed in relationship with the animals we care about.

I was watching a friend train a raven.  She started the training session outside the enclosure, and the success rate at this point was very high.  She ended the session in the same place - and the raven was very well reinforced on one particular stump.  In the middle of the session the trainer was inside the enclosure.  It was interesting to note that every time the raven failed, it would go to the 'success' stump.  It seemed like it found the space reinforcing in it's own right, or perhaps it was asking the trainer for some respite.

This is not a blog about trying to make up stories.  It is a blog inviting us not to label the behaviour. When we label, we stop looking.  Rather look at the great possibility of what is actually reinforcing - in that particular session - as this can change.  We are not telling robots what to do.  These sentient beings have many variables that affect their behaviour.
 They are always learning and always have something to teach.
Breathe and enjoy a partnership - where we are all affecting each others behaviour all the time.  When we take this attitude, we are able to take responsibility for our actions rather than label the problem - which is usually an abdication.  Own the story - that is the fun in what we do.


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