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Is Choice the real deal?

Some fellow animal trainers and I presented on this concept at an international animal behaviour conference a few years back.  The paper was met with appreciation. 
 The term “Choice and control” has gained a life of its own. 
In 2018 October, Dr Susta and I presented once more on a similar topic, and the topic was met with some scepticism.  Initially I was perplexed.  I wondered why anyone would disagree about providing animals with choice.  I have read more on the topic, and now find that there is potentially good reason for the debate.  So, I need to clear up what I believe choice to be all about.

The goal always is to provide us with an opportunity to be ethical in relationship – not only with animals, but with people too.   So, here goes…
What does choice mean?  Dictionaries elaborate similarly Merriam Webster defines it as “…the power or right to choose”
This is the definition that Dr Susta and I have been focussing upon in our presentations.  Basically if there is no choice, the animal or person is forced or coerced into presenting a required response.  Essentially - punishment.
Which is why consciously providing choice is fundamental.

For survival purposes, one needs to feel empowered.  If our choice has been taken away from us, we feel ‘out of control’.  So, providing choice ensures that an animal (or person) has a sense of being in control.  This has very powerful reinforcement value.
When one feels out of control, the result can quickly escalate to fight, flight or freeze.  Take the example of meeting a poisonous snake on your narrow pathway through the forest.  You have no choice – the snake is there.  For most people, primal instincts (unless you are a serious snake enthusiast and very knowledgeable) usually take over.  (ASIDE – It has been proven that it is easier to condition fear of snakes to fear of guns – presumably because the threat is much older and scientists speculate – the snake is a genetically coded fear stimulus)
I used to be terrified of snakes.  Irrationally afraid.  Now that I understand them more, I would be able to hold myself in control on the pathway.  This is because – the understanding has given me choices in the dangerous situation and hence I have been provided me the opportunity to choose my response.  My fear of an aversive result, is no longer a overwhelming concern.  I have some control because I have choice.  Choice hence is a primary reinforcer – because it provides for my basic primary needs.  Nobody has to teach me that survival is primary.
This is a pretty scary example.  Let me provide a simpler one.  Going to the supermarket on the eve of a holiday.  I am not crazy about malls.  I suffer from a bit of claustrophobia in these instances.  How do I ensure that I don’t go crazy with anxiety if I have to shop on those days – by paying close attention to where the exit is.  If I know I can leave at any time, I am at choice.  This choice is definitely primary.  I will not enter a store if I don’t know how to leave.  Nobody has to give me a treat for shopping.  I just need to know how to regain more control than being confined by neon lights, marble walls and floors and far too many people. It is a primary need.
With the above in mind, we can see that the empowered choice has primary reinforcement value.  This, because the animal has the potential to look after our own best interests.  It does not have to surrender its power.  Therefore, if an animal has to fight to regain its idea of being empowered - that behaviour has been very well reinforced.  They have literally fought for their 'life', and won.
So – from a choice and control point of view, giving animals choice means – ensuring that we have provided them the information to know that they have control in relationship with us.  We are not surrendering our clarity in the process – that would be dumb.  And counter-productive.
Clear communication is what helps our animals feel safe.  However insisting they do what we require, without providing them choice will result in anxiety.
Now – why do I think that there is some merit to the debate around choice – because… too many choices - it has been proven in the human context over and over – also creates stress.  A number of really interesting experiments have been generated, particularly in the retail market where people who are provided a few choices are more likely to make a choice to purchase something.  Too many choices overwhelm people
This makes perfect sense too with animals and people – too many choices mean there are more variables to navigate – "am I making the right choice?" – for example, and hence, communication becomes unclear. 
Our papers on choice and control determine the following – if an animal is truly at choice in relationship with us, they need to be able to show us that they are willing to work WITH us.  If they do not respond in a manner that we expect, we need to provide them the opportunity to succeed.  This can be done in all sorts of ways.
Let’s look at a few – that many of us already use…
·      Variable reinforcement schedules – animals on these schedules do not receive reinforcement for every behaviour that they offer.  This variety is exciting, and then, when an animal fails at a response and does not receive the anticipated reinforcement, it is not a problem – because they are already trained to work variably – an important aside – if we only don’t reinforce when they do something we are not wanting – there is a chance we strengthen the unwanted response – because it is then on a variable schedule (which is a very powerful reinforcement strategy)
·         Focus as a secondary – when I began insisting that my dog looks into my eyes rather than at my hand that holds the treat, it was as though our training relationship changed.  He began to focus more.  Focus and quality of attention is a powerful relationship building block.  So, then when the animal does not do as we wish, we simply ask them to focus, then reward the focus.  This has been documented as the LRS, or least reinforcing scenario – which nonetheless, remains a reinforcer.  We are simply redirecting the animal to a well-established behaviour, which has secondary value.  Focus is so primary – and we need to reinforce it more. 
·         Working all behaviours a step at a time – so that you can go back a step – to remind, refresh, re-engage, re-ask and then work towards the step you want.
There are more tools.
We presented on a default tool – This is when an animal can choose an alternate option rather than engage in the behaviour we have asked for.  This has been used in many cases with great success, and we will write this up in the new year.
To summarise
When you are training your beloved critters, are you certain that you are setting them up to succeed with ethical welfare in mind? 
Do they have the potential to show you that they are not keen to do something that is not stressful for them?  If they bite(or engage in some other aggressive posture or threat) or flee(which could be seen as a lack of attention or a drifting off) or seem frozen(they are slow to respond or seem distracted) – then maybe there is no apparent choice. 
Do you find a way to reinforce them in an equally satisfying manner if they fail at a response?
Do they only work for food, or is there something else that is satisfying for them?
Are you consistent and clear?
If you have any doubt, re-evaluate.  Training sessions should be as much fun for the animals as they are for us – they are not about the goal – they are about the relationship!  The relationship with us, their environment and the world at large.  
Happy training - happy New Year!!  Hope it is blessed with all the animal connection that you desire.


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