we focus with intent and without expectation we are focussing with love.
these moments we receive true reflection from animals or people.
highlight here, however, is that the quality of focus or attention we afford
another can punish or reinforce behaviour.
returned from a three week trip away to say hi to Tonic, Gandalph and Mashatu.
Three horse lawn mowers. I stroked Tonic’s ears remembering how he used to
“hate” that. He pushed them into the palm of my hand willing the tickle. I
turned to see Gandalph initiating a game of dance by splaying out his front
legs. And Mashatu flaring his lip in our game of cheese that has also been
played before. I was in good humor and this was what I was experiencing in
return. Funny how I needed to be not conscious of this concept to experience it
with heart.
trip away was part of that consciousness generation. I have just returned from
interfacing with some some amazing animal trainers in various venues in Europe
was blessed in these spaces with beautiful people who reminded me about the essence
of how to look without judgement and hence see with objectivity. This seeing
rapidly turns into grateful insight.
when we note any behaviour from the animals in our care it is always behaviour
that we have somehow conditioned. Tonic pushes his ear into my palm as he has
learned to do this when the quality of my attention has created this result.
When my dog Sage jumps up to greet us on our return home it may not be the
behaviour we are looking for however the attention she receives for doing this
is more reinforcing and directed than the attention she gets for doing
something else.
we both cried when we saw each other... |
lesson is simple. We are not only training them during our training sessions.
So why do we think they can only learning during these sessions. This sounds so
simple it is almost comical however I raise it for the following reasons:
- We think it is hard to use a variable schedule of reinforcement
- We don’t believe our secondary reinforcers are very valuable
- We have too little faith in the power of relationship
- There is always more going on than just positive reinforcement with primary reinforcement. Each behaviour has a multitude of consequences, antecedents and motivators attaches to it.
summarize - be in relationship for giveness sake... not as a taker. Be present
and PLAY!
conclusion thank you to all who made my whirlwind Interface in Portugal Germany
Czech and Dubai so amazing. And to all the amazing people and critters in S A -
it is great to appreciate home comfort and love with a little more conscious
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