When we focus with intent and without expectation we are focussing with love. In these moments we receive true reflection from animals or people. This is another perspective of information we already know. What we focus on expands.... The highlight here, however, is that the quality of focus or attention we afford another can punish or reinforce behaviour. I returned from a three week trip away to say hi to Tonic, Gandalph and Mashatu. Three horse lawn mowers. I stroked Tonic’s ears remembering how he used to “hate” that. He pushed them into the palm of my hand willing the tickle. I turned to see Gandalph initiating a game of dance by splaying out his front legs. And Mashatu flaring his lip in our game of cheese that has also been played before. I was in good humor and this was what I was experiencing in return. Funny how I needed to be not conscious of this concept to experience it with heart. My trip away was part of that consciousness genera...
Experiences and insights from being around animals. "animal training" "life lessons" "behaviour" "animal welfare"