I have matured - it comes with age. Hopefully. No longer rise to bait and can usually see the wood for the trees (according to my own personal forest). But there are still a couple of buttons that do not want to be dialled down.
Not a fan of stupidity. I do think people have the ability to think. However, there is so much fear out there that they don't. To the detriment of the world around us. This makes me mad!!
We don't really want to be in charge. So, we spend our lives looking for someone other than ourselves to take responsibility.
There are more rules and regulations than sense. Too many rules are created as a result of a fear of being true. It is testament to the fact that we don't trust ourselves or the world. And all too often, the rules do not make sense.
Right now there is an orca that is part of an endangered group that authorities are trying to treat in the wild - and there is International politics standing in the way of it being done with clear purpose. Why?
If a rehabilitation centre wants to relocate an animal to a better care facility - they have to wait for a permit. Even if the animal desperately needs the specialist care. Even if the animal is endangered. Humans on the other hand are pretty free to travel anywhere no matter what disease they carry. Why?
Even in simple day to day tasks I often hear people justify an action by stating someone else's authority. Just blaming and abdicating. Why?
The truth - if we find ourselves blaming and abdicating, there is a portal to personal growth. Go there. Check why we are limiting our ability to make the world a better place. What are we afraid of?
If we look at our relationships with the world, with each other, and with the animals in our care, there has to be a better way. And it is called relationship. Building it is a priority. It builds self confidence and trust.
A list of five pointers to help get things done for the greater good. And the side effect benefit - it makes you happier.
1. If you need help, ask
2. If you disagree, voice your opinion - or even if it means challenging the law (it may even be your or your families law) (side note - don't fight it, just highlight it and find a way around it.)
3. Stop trying to be right and just be. Know that there is no 'right' or 'wrong', just stuff that needs to be done
4. Trust in the good of you. Trust in the good of people. Acknowledge the good that you see
5. Focus on what works - embodying gratitude.
This is a beautiful ride - this life. Why complicate it? Why limit our experience - where is the sense?
If we look around us at the amazing critters on this planet, we will learn that they have found the better way. When we succeed in our ethical communication with the animals in our care - we are practising the five pointers. And practise makes perfect.
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