Dogs are wise. They have nothing to prove. This is Freya. She is grey in her face. She does not dye out the grey. She has no need to impress anyone.
She does not step on people to prove a point. She does not shout to be heard. She is always up for a cuddle, and I cannot do anything but smile when she does her little hop and bark to get my attention. She has the world all worked out, and she never set out to do that. She just goes with the flow.
Me on the other hand - not so much... I have had to learn that in order to create common ground, where I can be heard, and where I can hear, I need to be quiet. Listen, and watch to see when the most effective time is for me to speak. I have also had to learn that while what I have to say is very important to me - it is not so important to others.
My greatest commitment is to ethical communication in relationship with animals. It is more important than proving anything to deaf ears. With this in mind, I have a new mentor - Freya.
Fanatics and fundamentalists don't change the world. They create counter arguments at best and wars at worst. So, one step at a time - like we have all learned - we will walk the talk, and hop and bark gently.
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