Sometimes easier said than done. Stick to the facts. Your facts are not mine. Your idea is not the as mine, and you assume so much that I don't even know about - and visa versa. The joy of our experience is that we all come from differing perspectives. Take this baggage into relationship with animals - Not fair!
- Get mentally fit. Practise listening and not going off on a tangent. Keep a question in mind - even with an animal. So, if in a training session focus on one thing at a time.
- Stop, Look, Adjust, Move - when working with an animal and it is not going according to plan, stop practising what is not working out. Do something else and come back clear.
- Be prepared - so, know what the point of the communication is - what are you wanting to share, experience, teach, learn.
- Play. It is not all about the facts, or the rules or the judgement. Take time out to just enjoy being with the animal. Lots of time
- Breathe and be. There is nothing more wonderful than being in relationship with animals. The more we are - the more confident we become in their presence, and before we know it - they read our minds and we read theirs.
Basic respect - seeing things from another's point view - without an agenda.
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