What is motivation. Where does my drive come from. Love. Ok. It is demanded that love is unconditional. Yet attachment is inevitable. In your lifetime I thought the celebration of you was unconditional. That it was a celebration borne in giving glory to your manifestation. Turns out my desire to acknowledge your glory has a personal joy in it that is selfish. So every day I am without your physical presense is a day I need to let go. That is so hard. Your physical glory was so much bigger than me. Your glory lent light and purpose to my life. I miss you. So much. Feel broken without your physical wholeness. Lifting my head of my pillow with vigour and direction and energy is the lesson your loss is trying to teach me. And I am not sure I am big enough to learn this lesson.
Sometimes I spend time with people who see others in a different way to me. I am left feeling insecure in my intuition. Some believe that human beings are inherently bad. I prefer to see them as inherently good. With regard to people in relationship with animals, any poor relations, I see as misunderstandings or confused belief systems. I need to be able to trust my take on people. Because if I don't, there is no hope. If we don't inherently care, if we don't have that foundation to which we can return once we put our ego and greed aside, then there is no hope.
People governed by their egos do three things when faced by challenges - 1. Keep doing the sam and expect a different result. 2. Dig in their heels and force the issue. 3. Give up and walk away with an excuse.
All points refuse to acknowledge a problem which can be solved because it is a problem of our own making.
So, when I look around and see litter, pollution, unethical care of humans and animals, corrupti...
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