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Thank you Gambit

I had the honour of accepting an award for the amazing dolphin Gambit. Last night eThekweni municipality hosted the 8th annual 'Living Legends' award ceremony at the international convention Centre in Durban. The ceremony was lavish and attended by celebrities and politicians and those in the know.  I felt out of my depth but had prepared with make up and even nail polish for the occasion.  What an honour to be there for Gambit. So no matter the discomfort 100% commitment was required.
A lovely video depicting Gambit's role in the South African Association for Marine Biological Research preempted the call to stage.  A Hollywood style setting. Then it came time for the acceptance speech. I looked across the large room and was blinded by the lights. And I felt blank.  I did not say all I wanted to share.  I did not honour Gambit enough.  Not that one ever could.  So. Here goes.  These are the words I would try to use to put the legendary Gambit on the pedastal where he belongs. Words that have to live in the ether forever.  Share them with everyone.  
"When one considers a living legend one thinks of a being who is unashamedly themself. Someone who shares their essence in every moment of their existence.  A soul who is generous with the truth.  A body who is unconditional.  These thoughts are Gambit. He is not about a cause or a desire.  He is not campaigning or hoping.  He is loving large.  He is present in every moment with 100%. This whole-heartedness is Gambit-the  inspiration.  
When anyone has the good fortune to be in the presence of Gambit we feel the essence of gratitude.  We are effortlessly driven to love.  There is no space for doubt or apprehension.  There are very often tears. In my  experience the tears are shed in joy.  It is as though the experience of Gambit's moments are a reminder that there is something bigger and more real. 

Gambit has the best sense of humour.  He laughs and is mischievous in the most playful way.  He is curious and spontaneous and creative.  Does this make him a legend? Oh yes.  Over and over again.  He has called the millions of people he has inspired in the last 40 years to stand on the beach and look at the sea with a new perspective. He  has planted the seed in all of us to care for the oceans.  He has opened our hearts. 
Gambit has met many celebrities.  He has also met many underprivileged and suffering people.  And with all of them he has  shared that same inspiration. 
Gambit is a father and grandfather. He has provided us with a family of dolphins to treasure.  
To effectively accept an award on behalf of this legend is not possible. He is larger than life.  Love epitomised. And there are many who have shared his life who should have walked up the star-studded stage with me last night.  I had you all in mind.  I was not expecting to feel emotional.  But I did.  And grateful that in our interesting political climate our city was  able to honour an animal in this way.  It is easy for us animal people to celebrate Gambit the legend. It is wonderful that people less concerned with animals and conservation did.  

Love you Gambit.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you!!!

Sent from Samsung Mobile


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