Is there such a thing. Activists campaign against animals in captivity. Noble. Except in more and more cases those same animals are pretty much extinct in the wild. Less than 500 tigers out there. Probably more in zoos. And this alone cannot be justification for zoos to exist. Standards for keeping animals. Did you know there are no Internationally accepted standards. Different cultures have different belief systems around animals and their influence on their governments works to define the standards. Also, sometimes efforts to look after animals, in rehabilitaion and for education, are so desperate that third world zoos exist to try and make that difference. A first world judge will arrive and campaign against the bad conditions and neglect to look at the context. Standards for one are not the same as standards for another. Should they be? Can they be? Who is the expert? The natural world is so messed up. Can we afford to be purists. Will rules and regulations work or will they cripple efforts and overwhelm our natural ability to see right from wrong. We can all feel that if we let ourselves.
I am a mother of two teenage sons. They are working hard at asserting their independence. They push their boundaries and want to be responsible for their own actions. The more I try and control them the less productive the situation. Is this what legislation is doing? If we had faith in all humanity is it possible that things would be better in our world. Because people would take personal responsibility rather than be victims waiting for the 'government' to fix it. Right from wrong. The more we try and enforce and define it, the more lost we become in our personal power.
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Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab
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