I am a proud mother. My kids are conscious beings who constantly challenge me. They are two teenage boys - its their job to challenge me. I remember when they were little, they were at their most challenging when I would get home from work. That is when they wanted all my attention, and I was usually spent, so unable to provide adequately in that regard. It always surprised me. Then I noted that the animals that I work with are the same. If my energy is low, that is when they will provide me with the biggest challenge. I will be thinking, "just do this, make it easy for me, I am too tired", and they will not respond obligingly, and very often do something completely counter-productive - why? There may be a very simple explanation, and it boils down to leadership. When our children or animals in our care feel safe, it is because we, their "leaders", are being clear, strong and reliable in their lives. When our leadership falter...