> Dear PenguinPromises
> The penguins have reached the coast of Brazil and will be having a great time.
> The sky is blue, the sun is shining, and the water is crystal clear. Catching
> fish is easy for Promises with such good sunshine and clear water.
> When Promises is home in the colony raising chicks, just one type of fish makes
> up 90% of the diet. The common name for those fish is Sprats, and the scientific
> name is "Sprattus fuegensis". The reason that the penguins almost exclusively
> catch sprats here in the south is because they are very common in Patagonia,
> and live in large groups, called shoals.
> Because sprats live in shoals, the penguins are able to catch them quickly once
> they have located the shoal. The penguins swim around the shoal eating one fish
> after another, and can quickly catch enough to take back to the nest. Of course
> the shoals have millions of fish...
Experiences and insights from being around animals. "animal training" "life lessons" "behaviour" "animal welfare"