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Showing posts from March, 2014


I spent an hour yesterday trying to win the confidence of this little mite. Eventually she ate out of my hand. She is so thin. Apparently people have tried to catch her. I will go back today and hopefully succeed.  Send healing to her. Sent from Samsung Mobile

Ahhh. There is the love

Charlie and Hermione. Hermione is older. A female.  Came to us as a pregnant wild very young stray. We kept one of her kittens and named him Max. He was such a joy. Loving gentle and he and Hermione were inseperable. She is a nrtvpus cat with strangers. When Max died tragically he left a void in our lives, but Hermione was very lost without her boy. A year later a stray kitten arrived. Charlie.  Sometimes I think he is Max reincarnated.  I have mistakenly called him Max once or twice. And Hermione is whole again.  As humans we so often move animals around without giving a thought to how it affects them. Horses in particular are moved to suit humans very often. Here is a prayer to consider their souls when you make these decisions. Like Max, they may be more attached than you think.  Sent from Samsung Mobile

Eco-activists 'waddle' 123km for penguin promises

see more about penguin promises on .  or like penguin promises page on facebook - or follow @penguinpromises on twitter

Doing stuff for animals with amazing people

Its been almost 5 years since I shared an idea. Penguin Promises! And this week I am waddling for a week for the 4th year in a row with a bunch of amazing humans. What an honour. And how hopeful that so many people care enough to take part, sponsor, say Yes, and keep doing it over and over. And this week is incredible! Surrounded by positive vibes. Beautiful energy and scenery. And of course the penguins!!!! Sent from Samsung Mobile