I looked up and there he was. Looking through the flower bed. A beautiful picture and another moment where gratitude for knowing this angel overwhelms me. And reminds me to keep coming back to this feeling. Particularly in those despairing moments when I forget. I don't know how anyone lives without animals and manages to find reason and sense in their existence. Thank you Gandalph and all the others.
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I have the most amazing family. Here is my dad, and my boys, Kai and Zac. And of course, Gambit in the middle. Moments of gratitude are one after the other. When the going gets tough, it feels tough. Then when the going is smooth again, the gratitude grows!
My first love. No. Not the boy. The dog. There are not many pics of me without him. Beautiful boy.
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Went to visit a friend. She was not there. Wintry sun in her garden and her cat, Trick kept me company in the warm sun while we waited for her. He is such a charmer.
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Like the plumber who does great work on site but fails miserably to maintain his home's waterworks, I am often critisized for being the animal trainer at work who has badly behaved animals at home. I have some justification here:-) Draco is a very bright dog. One of five dogs with whom we share our home. He is enormously agile and jumps over gates and fences to get where he wants to go. He also fits in very well to the social hierachy of people and dogs. He is not the dominant dog, yet he has aligned himself perfectly with her, so does not end up at the mercy of any of the pack. Draco taught me that it is much better when you are sharing a space with others to come to a working plan for everyone, rather than spend your life trying to control the situation. That is work. Rather have some ground rules that enable an effective living arrangement. Forst question. Why do we have dogs? Because we love their company. On this premose we build our relationship. I consid...
Middle of winter. Dry. No green grass at home. So we take the horses for a walk down the road then lie around for an hour while they snack on the green grass on the verge. Must be a real treat for them. Usually late afternoon while the winter sun is just saying cheers. Lazy beautiful treat for us too. Times like this that life is truly good. Simple pleasures.
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