I am not religious however some parables in different faiths do resonate with me. When Jesus said that whomever had not "sinned" could throw the first stone at a "sinner" - brings relativity into the picture.
We are quick to judge those who we feel are "wrong". I am a vegetarian and simply cannot relate to how one can look into the eyes of an animal and then kill it and eat it. I am often the butt end of jokes for my apparent quirkiness. So where this aspect of my life is concerned, I have learned to live on my own "planet" experiencing my own feelings and leaving others to experience theirs. Realising that each of us lives by our own value systems. And they are all different. What is wrong and right for you is not the same for me. And here we find the reason for wars and politics.
Yesterday I was in an altercation when I judged a woman who was - as I saw it, very rude to a mother who, while in a bank queue was trying to placate her crying ...