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Showing posts from February, 2012

Thank You Farmers Weekly for your cool book review


Sometimes I spend time with people who see others in a different way to me. I am left feeling insecure in my intuition. Some believe that human beings are inherently bad. I prefer to see them as inherently good. With regard to people in relationship with animals, any poor relations, I see as misunderstandings or confused belief systems. I need to be able to trust my take on people. Because if I don't, there is no hope. If we don't inherently care, if we don't have that foundation to which we can return once we put our ego and greed aside, then there is no hope. People governed by their egos do three things when faced by challenges - 1. Keep doing the sam and expect a different result. 2. Dig in their heels and force the issue. 3. Give up and walk away with an excuse. All points refuse to acknowledge a problem which can be solved because it is a problem of our own making. So, when I look around and see litter, pollution, unethical care of humans and animals, corrupti...

Animals and me - bucket list ideas

1. Hand rear a parrot that lives with me in a secure part of my home. 2. Trail ride on horse back through wide open spaces. 3. Bird watching as I climb Kilamonjaro with my family. 4. See Gorillas in the wild. 5. Have time everyday to spend sitting on the floor with my dogs and grooming and working with my horses and cuddling my cats. 6. Swim with Khwezi. 7. Grow horse training business so that we can teach loads of people how to work gently with horses. 8. Game bush experience with my family. Dad and siblings. One more time at least. 9. Travel with Sasha whenever I go away. 10. Make Penguin Promises an international cause. 11. Share true animal care lessons with kids. 12. Be content everyday. This list is not finished. Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

In the company of angels

Working on a beautiful farm with wonderful people.  Teaching police about horse training.  This little poppet came to keep me company while his trainer nipped out for a moment.  Just trundled over to me to be with someone...  Blessed to be in the company of angels such as this...

Thank you Oprah magazine

ife Lessons from a Dolphin Whisperer Read how these sentient mammals helped world-renowned animal behaviourist, Gabrielle Harris, from Durban, moves from fear to feeling. Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

Love this kitty nd her belly.

heavenly friends

 Benji and Pepper.  What an amazing pair.  Some incredible times spent with them.  Old friends who have moved onto heavenly realms.  Every now and then I recall a moment I spent with them, and it is a bittersweet gratitude moment.  I am so fortunate.  It is hard work emotionally - working with animals.  Because very often their life spans are shorter than ours.  Also, they are always reliant on us to look after them.  Unlike kids, they never grow up and move on.  They are always your responsibility.  The lesson is to remember that we are no good to animals if we are not looking after ourselves first.  So, I will have that glass of wine tonight...

Charlie and the veggie patch

Sweet baby. Helping me in the veggie garden. Exuberant and playful. When I dig, he does too. When I throw weeds towards the compost he chases them. He vocally complains if he cannot see me and responds to my call. Gardening made fun by such a fantastic companion. Creator of pure gratitude. Thank you Charlie.