So much of my time has been spent lamenting about the unconsciousness of human beings on our planet. Very often from the depths of despair as a part of the human race, I have felt unworthy of being on this planet. The phrase eco-depression sums up where I have been. I know many have felt the same. To get me over it I have begun to look at life as the big picture. The long term. And see that it is not about me. Life will continue. Yes people are fools in relationship with nature, but I cannot let that be my focus. I am only able to change my own behaviour, so all I can do is live with respect for my surroundings, and probably more importantly, enjoy them. Gratitude for the creatures that I know and the beautiful places on our planet that I enjoy. here's to life.... visit . Perhaps you will be inspired to focus on what we can do, rather than on what is wrong with the world. It definitely mak...