She has inspired me to strive to be a good person. Shown me the need to be clear and true when I communicate. Shared wisdom about being present whenever I am with another. She taught me that the quality of my attention is more important than being good enough. Frodo. Been gifted to have known you for more than half my life. You have probably taught me more than any other soul. I adore and thank you. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for the gifts🥰 You are a blessing. A miracle. Thank you. Here’s to many more magical moments together and me hearing all the lessons still to come🌹
Loved the little bit of evidence of some monkey business in the cathedral. Stunning old cathedral in Marianhill just outside Durban. A catholic space.
I grew up catholic and am now non denominational. Reasons for broken allegiance was when church leaders let me know that the church held that animals had no souls. So today I could not help smile at the respectful footprints left by some monkey visitors. True non-judgemental church goers. My kin❤️